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Last updated: 27th March 2024

BSMRAAU Celebrating the great Independence and National Day with due dignity

Publish Date: 2024-03-26
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Aviation and Aerospace University (BSMRAAU) celebrated 'Great Independence and National Day' with due solemnly on 26th March 2024 at Dhaka and Lalmonirhat campuses. Honorable Vice-Chancellor Air Vice Marshal A K M Manirul Bahar, BSP, ndc, hdmc, afwc, psc, ADWC attended the function of Dhaka campus as chief guest and hoisted the national flag. At this time, the university officials, teachers, employees and students rendered the national anthem together.
A discussion was held marking the great Independence and National Day. Students, teachers, Pro-Vice Chancellor and Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor participated in the discussion. Finally, the program of the day ended followed by exhibition of documentary films and the closing speech of the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor.