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Last updated: 21st March 2024

12th Academic Council meeting of BSMRAAU

Publish Date: 2024-03-20
The 12th Academic Council meeting of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Aviation and Aerospace University (BSMRAAU) was held on 20th March 2024 at the conference room of the university. Honorable Vice Chancellor of the University Air Vice Marshal A K M Manirul Bahar, BSP, ndc, hdmc, afwc, psc, ADWC presided over the meeting.
At the outset Vice Chancellor paid deepest tribute to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the undisputed leader of the Bengali nation and architect of victory in War of Independence. Besides, he paid sincere respect to all the brave soldiers who participated in the Great War of Independence and sought forgiveness for the souls of all martyrs. The Vice-Chancellor expressed hope of playing a positive role in realizing the dream of the Hon'ble Prime Minister to make the country a developed scientific knowledge based nation and briefed all on the significant academic activities undertaken since the last 11th Academic Council meeting and a summary of future action plans.
This time he informed regarding university organized seminar titled "Developing Smart Aviation in Bangladesh: Challenges and Opportunities" and "Nanotechnology in Aerospace" at the Lalmonirhat campus; Organization of 04 days training workshop for AME department and related officials; Signing of MoU with Green TV, NovoAir Limited and Bangladesh Computer Council; Holding of 06 days annual sports competition and award distribution ceremony at Lalmonirhat campus; Celebrating 5th Raising Day of the University; the celebration of the historic 7th March; '104th birth anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Children's Day-2024' and several significant activities of the university including arrangement of admission test for the undergraduates in the academic year 2023-24. Finally, all the agenda of the meeting were discussed in detail and necessary decisions were taken.